Friday, August 21, 2009

And So It Goes

In a brief, less-than-two-minute consultation, a ten-year process ended. Today I had my last "required" cancer visit. The doctor breezed in, told me my CT scan looked fine, told me to be on the look out for future markers, and then sent me on my way with the understanding that I don't ever have to go back if I don't want to.

It's been ten years now since I was originally diagnosed with testicular cancer. I was 25 years old and had only been married for six months when we found out. I was delivering pizza for Papa Kelsey's in Pocatello, Idaho and Suzanne was working for Officemax.

I had one surgery and about three weeks of radiation treatments and then I was more or less done except for the hawk-like surveillance from my doctors. First, it was every couple of months, then it was every six months. After year 5, I was able to make a once-a-year visit. Now, I'm free.

I'm healthy, chubby, and cancer-free. Yay for me.


Unknown said...

Yay for you indeed. Good news. Very good news!

Now, go and take your beautiful wife on a bumpy car ride so that baby can come on Monday, the 24th (as I predicted).

Suzy said...

You're all heart, Clark!! That bumpy car ride actually doesn't sound like that bad of an idea nowadays.

And not only are you healthy, chubby, and cancer-free, but we have (almost) 3 beautiful daughters to show that cancer who was boss!! Congrats Mark...yay for all of us!!

Shalee said...

What great news!

Paul and Linda said...

Better than straight "A"s !

Karen said...

Congratulations all the way around for your entire family. I am so happy for all of you.

Darlene said...


Ang said...

Great news.

Jennifer said...

Yea for you!