Monday, December 12, 2011


Normally, I'm a little leery when Hollywood decides to make a movie version of almost anything - a book, tv show, action figures, etc. (A movie version of Dark Shadows! A movie version of every comic book ever made!) And I'm especially suspicious of stunts. Pirates of the Caribbean was a stunt - a movie based on a Disneyland ride? Did you know they're making a movie version of the board game Battleship? Yep, they are.

So naturally, when I hear they've made a movie version of The Three Stooges, I'm not impressed. Nevertheless, I'm posting the trailer here. Why? Because, if nothing else, the last four or five seconds of it are pure wish fulfillment for me and I love it. Enjoy.


Paul and Linda said...

Could this be any more ridiculous ?

What is of interest is the new pix of you on side bar. See you've let the beard grow back !

Mark Brown said...

If you can handle re-watching it, the guy who shows them the iphone is none other than Kirby Heyborne of Singles Ward, the RM, Saints and Soldiers, etc. Ol' Kirb is hitting the big time!

Paul and Linda said...

Kirby ! Kirby ! What have you come to ?

Have seen the other guy ... is it K.C. ? on a couple of Hallmark movies lately playing the hunky lead.