Monday, January 9, 2012


The thing the people in the previous post had in common (except for Park-Fu) is that they are all famous for being professional jerkfaces - losing their temper, saying terrible things, behaving in ways we wouldn't accept from a fourth grader, much less a grown adult. As for "why," what I meant was, why do we make these people famous? Why do we tune in to watch them be awful? In what world should we care about how some woman yells at 8 year olds about how they dance? (And yes, the woman is from that show Dance Moms.)

I watched a few episodes of Hell's Kitchen one season and, of course, like all Americans, I've done my time with American Idol. So I guess, in a weak sort of way, I've supported these people and this phenomenon. But no more. This is another item to add to my philosophy about reality TV. No more supporting terrible people. Of course, on team shows like Top Chef or Project Runway there will be awful people in with the rest - but I'm not watching any show that showcases and rewards the worst social impulses in human behavior. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Paul and Linda said...

So, only one "yank" among the jerkfaces ... not a bad percentage !

(although New Jersey housewives may be in a close second !)

Suzy said...

Does the cast of Jersey Shore qualify?

Shalee said... I was almost right?! And LOL to Suzy!