Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maryn (and some fat jokes about her dad)

Though she didn't draw this, it sums up daughter #1 perfectly. We're talking about a girl who sleeps in fleece pajamas, a sweater, four blankets, socks, and a freaking hat - and is still cold. We need to start sneaking WeightGain 4000 into her meals. The poor, little scrap just doesn't have enough meat on her bones to stay warm. I, on the other hand, could probably power this house if we could find some way to channel fat guy night sweat into pure energy. You get enough tubby 38 year olds and the right technology and our reliance on foreign oil is over, baby.


Paul and Linda said...

What shall we do about our little bean pole ? Her skinny-ness is obviously not a genetic tendency as evidenced by her Grandmother !

Shalee said...

Dude, I will donate some "insulation" for those little bones. I just happen to have a SURPLUS.

Does she have a Snuggie? Just sayin'....

Suzy said...

This post is quite possibly one of the funniest I have ever read. And I don't mean that in a ha-ha self-deprecating way.