Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Parker's Nicknames So Far

Suzanne and I are nickname-giving parents. I don't know why but we both take joy in giving our children ridiculous monikers. Here's what we've come up with for Miss Parker so far.

Park Ranger
Central Park
Yellowstone Park
Park Attack (Shark Attack)
Smacky Von Smackerston
Count Smackula
Little Bits
Peanut Butter Brown
Park-tastic Elastic

Ludicrous, I know. But so fun.


Paul and Linda said...

I guess people who would name their cat "Jackie Joe Johnson" would call their child "Smacky Von Smackerson" and not find that out of the ordinary !

Mark Brown said...

I forgot to include:


and its sister nickname

Stankosaurus Rex

Suzy said...

Not to mention the old stand-bye's: Peanut and Noodle, but those have applied to the other girls as well.

It IS fun!!

Shalee said...

Its amazing how the random nicknames come so naturally! We do it too.

Erin said...

you forgot "Parks and Recreation" or just "Parks and Rec" for short. ;)

Karen said...

Seems to me you need to write a Dr. Suess-esque book with those names!!

J'Amy Day said...

What about Parker Poo, Parkles, or Parkalicious???