Wednesday, September 12, 2012

That's Cold, Man. Cold.

So the teachers in Chicago are on strike. I'm not sure what the details are but I know that Chicago has the third largest school system in the country. So it's a big deal. There's news coverage, speeches, negotiations, and, of course, protests. People are angry on both sides, I'm sure, and at least some of the anger is directed at Chicago mayor, Rahm Emmanuel. Like I said, I'm not sure what's going on, but I do know that the protesters have gotten pretty brutal. Behold:

Bwah! I laughed so hard when I saw this. I wonder if Nickelback (lame Candadian power-chord hair band) feels bad that liking them is considered a vile insult. Probably not - they probably get in their solid gold private jet and fly away from the criticism - but still, I think this is a riot. (ha ha.).

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Paul and Linda said...
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