Friday, November 30, 2012

I thought this was pretty great...

by Pat Mora

One day they disappear
into their rooms.
Doors and lips shut
and we become strangers
in our own home.
I pace the hall, hear whispers,
a code I knew but can't remember,
mouthed by mouths I taught to speak.

Years later the door opens.
I see faces I once held,
open as sunflowers in my hands. I see
familiar skin now stretched on long bodies
that move past me
glowing almost like pearls.


Karen said...

Beautiful. Although it is hard to see the beauty of it all when you are right in the middle of it! Thanks for sharing.

Tawnya said...

I am so scared of this time already. :)

Suzy said...

This makes me want to cry. It is happening right before our eyes.