Monday, February 18, 2013

You're Home! You're Home!


So in less than 48 hours, I drove close to 800 miles, drove around the Dow Chemical-financed city of Midland, had a great dinner with long lost family, did a five hour interview at Delta College, and made it back in time to go to Maryn's spelling bee on Saturday morning.

The interview went great. At least, I thought so. Who knows what the decision makers felt? I found out that there are actually four finalists for the position, rather than three like I originally thought. So my chances went from 33.3% possibility to 25%. Ah well. I feel like I did the very best that I could, and if they don't choose me, it won't be because of anything I left undone or unsaid. It will just be because they prefer someone else. As Zen as I feel about it, let's hope it doesn't come to that. They have two other candidates to interview, one on each of the next two Fridays, so I won't hear anything one way or the other until March. I'd rather know now, but at least the anxiety of prepping for the interview is over.

Highlights of the trip were:

Dry roads and no real bad weather to speak of, coming or going.
Dinner with my cousin, Scott Pennock, and his family. I haven't laughed like that or felt that welcome in a long time.

Discovering Delta College's campus and courtyard were designed by Alden B. Dow, a one-time apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright and all-round cool architect.
Cool, interested, and interesting people in the English department.
The chicken club sandwich I had for lunch during the interview. The cafeteria at Delta is pretty much awesome.
The warm chocolate chip cookie I got upon checking in at the Doubletree in Bay City.
Uninterrupted time to call family and friends while driving back.

Finding out what the Tridge is.
Making it home safe and sound. When I looked in on Parker (who should have been sleeping), she sat up and said, "Dad! You're home! You're home!" and opened her arms to give me a hug. That's always the best part of any trip.

Anyway, I'm back now. Maryn got eliminated in the second round on the spelling bee on the word "catkin," which I had never heard before in my life. She was unfazed, mostly because she had no interest in going on any further. The anxiety of preparation was not her favorite thing. I don't blame her.

Today is the Presidents' Day holiday. No plans. Maybe errands and lunch out later. Maybe just sitting around the house and doing nothing because, frankly, that sounds totally awesome.


Paul and Linda said...

Happy about the interview, happy about the safe return, and happy that Maryn did well.

From what I remember (and I have no idea from where I remember ... this happens as you get older ;o)) but a catkin is a pussy willow ... sort of.

melanie said...

So happy things went well! I can imagine M's nerves-- we love watching the national bee, and remember one of our favorite contestants used to cluck like a chicken or something to ease her nerves before spelling each word... just an idea for next year. :) Hee-hee!

Karen said...

Good weekend all around Mark! Loved the part about uninterrupted phone calls to friends and family....
Maryn should be very proud of herself. So awesome!

lateshoes said...

Glad it went well. I'm sending you guys some majorly good vibes. ;-)