Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring

It is the first day of spring. It is so cold here today my hands actually began to ache and lose feeling in the four minutes it took me to walk from the car to the building. (I was carrying books that didn't fit in my bag, that's why I didn't put them in my pockets, smarty.)

So I share the above cartoon because laughter warms me up. And because it is how I feel about most of the world today. Primarily, it is how I feel about Delta College and their glacially slow hiring process. Suzy and I figured out that we have been on the hook with Delta for six months now - I applied sometime in early October. At this point, even a bad answer would be better than the cruddy limbo of no answer at all. Just let us move on with our lives, hiring committee! And then move out to the middle of the ocean and stay there.


Suzy said...


Paul and Linda said...

You remember that these folks only work 4days/wk, so subtract all those Fridays from the total possible, and they still are in the hiring ballpark. Plus, they have had their spring break already ... subtract that, too. And they have ALL had this rotten stinkin' flu and that has slowed them down because they can't even say "Hiring" much less do it ! And their fingers are frozen and achy which makes attaching their signatures to each of the required documents a more than four minute process, and so I think they have until Thursday or maybe a week from Thursday if you are on daylight savings time ...

Gird up your loins, fresh courage take !

Karen said...

Come to the Northwest for Spring and you will feel like an island! Literally!

Amen to Linda!

melanie said...

6 months of waiting = sainthood. If you take a lead pipe to the AZ housing market, I'll gladly go Tanya Harding on the human resource dept. at Delta. Hopefully they aren't reading this. Though I don't think they could move fast enough to get out of the way in time... :)

Paul and Linda said...

Mel ... I actually had to stop and think as to "who" Tanya Harding is ! ;o)

Shalee said...

Tanya Harding...haha!

Perhaps gloves for those cold hands?