Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweet and Lowdown

A couple of months ago, I posted about having high cholesterol and how my doctor was prescribing a new medication for me. I've been on Simvastatin since then and had some bloodwork done last week to see how it was working. Apparently, it's just the thing I needed. My bad cholesterol went from somewhere in the mid 200s to 165. Holy cow, right? It's remarkable that one little pill has finally moved a number that has stayed essentially the same for a decade. So yay for me. Now I'm slightly less at risk for having my fat-riddled heart explode while weeding the garden. I'm glad something finally did the trick because Heaven knows it wasn't going to happen through eating oatmeal and running.

I finished rereading Ender's Game last night and was struck again by what a great book it really is. And I mean great as in Great, as in Great American novel that will last forever. I've become disenchanted with Orson Scott Card over the years -- but this one book is something that is powerful, beautiful, and important. He made something that will last far beyond himself. That's cool.

One evening last week, Suzy and I watched This Means War, the action/rom com/bromance flick from the ridiculously named director McG. The next day, we took the girls (all three!) to a matinee of Pixar's Brave. The difference between the two is profound -  not just because one was aimed at cynical, leering 16 year olds and the other was aimed at children - but because one is beautiful and meaningful and expertly crafted and the other is lazy, sloppy, undercooked, and dumb. If you're going to spend years and millions developing something, shouldn't it be something worth all that time and money?


Paul and Linda said...

Welcome to the Simvastatin Club ! I praise it's name along w/the myriad of other life sustaining drugs I take.

I applaud those who change life style and appetite to do what my chemical assistance program does.

But all that hope and change is not for me ... if I can swallow (or inject) and become a more healthy individual, then the easy course works for me !

Suzy said...

What's wrong with oatmeal and running?!? Har har!