Monday, October 19, 2009

Closer Still

It's been so long since I've updated, the "New Post" button almost didn't work for me. Ah well, I'm back now. Three days until the first part of the big test, according to my little widget to the right. I'm not as nervous as I was - not because I've been a whirlwind of studying and comprehension in the last ten days (although I've tried) but because I either know the material by now or I don't. Stressing out about it won't make anything better. So Thursday afternoon, we'll all pile in the the van and point ourselves east to the land of cider mills, the blue and maize, and 28% unemployment. We'll stay at Paul and Linda's and, first thing in the morning, I'll head to Wayne State to take the written portion of the test. We'll see how it goes.

Things at home are okay. Parker had a terrible time last night - great fussiness and unease combined with throwing up the contents of an entire bottle all over me at about 2:30 a.m. Kinda sucked. Actually, no kinda about it. She's not sick, I don't think. She just drank her bottle too fast and it was more than she could handle all at once. Consequently, I got a shirt and arm covered in warm Enfamil. It doesn't smell good, people.

We're looking forward to blessing Parker on the first Sunday of November and having my parents and Suzanne's parents here with us for it. My folks haven't had the chance to visit us yet so we're really excited to have them coming here.


Unknown said...

Ah, the warmth of baby puke. There's nothing like it.

The word verification for this posting is "ouncel." How many ouncel's did Parker puke on you?

Shalee said...

*bleh* don't miss the fabulous urping days! Good luck with your test, you will do so great! Wish so badly we could be there for the blessing!