But the time is coming to give it a rest. I just finished Robert Siodmak's excellent take on Hemmingway's short story The Killers and I have This Gun For Hire waiting next. After that, I have Fritz Lang's The Blue Gardenia, the notoriously violent Kiss of Death, and my girlfriend Barbara Stanwyck in Sorry, Wrong Number. After that, it's over. No more watching movies for this test. One way or the other, I'll be finished with that particular part of the exam. I may even cancel my Netflix account.
It will be weird to not have movies waiting to be watched but it's probably time to get that feeling off my back. I'm sure Suzanne will be glad about it.
For the record, The Killers is an excellent example of pure noir. I recommend it.

"Introducing Burt Lancaster" the poster says ... WOW ! What an impact he had on the movies ... "noir" or not !
Hope you are holding "Sorry Wrong Number" for your final night at the movies ... what a flick ! And the remake was excellent, too.
Mark - Good luck with your exam. You're going to do great!
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