I'd respectfully like to add something to the list: disposable razors. I bought an off-brand razor last week and tried to shave with it. It was half the price of a Gillette or whatever but, believe you me my friends, it was not worth the savings. It was like trying to mow a lawn with a rubber spatula. I might as well have been running one of Parker's plush toys over my shaving cream-covered face. Not only did it not do the most basic duty of a razor (y'know, cut facial hair) but every time I tapped it on the sink to get all whatever few, paltry hairs it did cut out of the blade, the whole blade fell off. One actually fell down the drain and disappeared into oblivion. After shaving for two minutes, I had to crack open the box of replacements blades I'd bought.
All in all, it was totally lame. Those are going in the back of the drawer and I sprang for a new Gillette Mach 3. Some things are just worth the money.
It's a good thing I got a decent razor too - Suzanne was getting tired of my facial hair.

So which came first ? The picture or the post ?
No woman should buy generic maxi pads either! (Trust me!)
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