Saturday, June 5, 2010


Today is the first really sunny day we've had since we arrived in Idaho but we're all too tired to go out and do anything. We arrived safe and sound late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning (a speed record, btw) and commenced to live life full-throttle.

This morning we attended niece Brianna's baptism. It was an interesting experience to attend a mass baptismal service for more than 15 kids all at once. It was like a military operation practically. Despite the mass sausage factory aspect of the services, it was fun to attend. Brianna is a real sweetheart so we're glad our visit coincided with her special day.

Anyway, that took a couple of hours then we came back to my parents' house for refreshments and visiting. Not long after that, our children safely in our lovely sisters-in-law's care, Suzanne and I headed for the temple and did a session. It was very nice. Nice to be in the temple together, nice to have some time alone, nice to have some QUIET.

Now everyone is just kind of dozing. Tomorrow we'll take Maryn and Avery to West Yellowstone to see the Playmill production of Beauty and the Beast. Parker will stay home with the valiant and charming sisters-in-law once again.

We'll take it kind of easy on Tuesday and then Wednesday, we'll head down to SLC for some Mormon sightseeing and family visits. Should be good.


Paul and Linda said...

Perhaps it is your sisters-in-law who will be seeing the real "Beauty and/or the Beast" !

The "Everybody in the Font" style of baptism is less of a Ward activity than here in the "Mission Field", isn't it ?

Sounds verra verra fun !

Karen said...

Sausage factory?!!