Yes, it's been so hot in Illinois, Satan passed through and said, "Holy crap, it's bad here!" It's been in the 90s all week with humidity in the 70s - all this equals a heat index of over a hundred every day for over a week. Gah, right?
The thing that makes it really bad is the fact that we don't have central air. We bought our house in December and didn't have a full understanding of the cosmic suckitude of Illinois summers. They slap Michigan summers in the face and steal their lunch money. They kick sand in the face of Idaho summers. They generally spit on other summers - they spit pure humid air.
So even though the house doesn't have AC, we thought, "Aw, we'll be fine. How bad can it be?"
Famous last words. How bad can it be? Bad enough to break a sweat while changing a diaper. Bad enough to turn our bathroom into a sauna -- without any hot rocks or anything. Bad enough for me to feel like I should be basting in a pan and served with stuffing and sweet potatoes. Bad.
So even though we love our house and love our yard, we also hate it. We want to care for it and make it nice but we also want to smack it and say, "Why?! Why were you built with no AC? Why did we buy you?!" It's complicated.
Anyway, today was supposed to be the hottest day of this most recent stretch of surface-of-the-sun heat. It's supposed to start cooling down to the low 80s starting on Monday but today the weathermen didn't even offer a projected temperature - they just put a picture of a red- skinned, horned man with a pointy beard and a pitchfork standing over the state of Illinois.
So we surrendered and took off. Yep, we retreated. We loaded up a change of clothes and a few other things and we came to Bloomington. It's about 45 minutes south and has fun things to do -- a children's museum, good shopping, good restaurants, an excellent comic book store, etc. We bid for a nice hotel room for half price on Priceline, got it, and are now safely installed in a Holiday Inn with a nice pool and very effective AC. It's cold in here and it's awesome. I've set the AC on "Hoth" and it feels pretty great.
Tomorrow we'll go back in time for Maryn to go to an evening birthday party for a friend and for me to mow our Amazonian lawn. And we'll look forward to seeing temps like 82, 81, etc. I'll let you know if we melt into puddles of no-AC-house-hating goo. Wish us luck.
Suckitude-great word! Your reference to being served up reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer uses butter to tan and stays outside too long and Newman wants to eat him. Anyway, humid nasty heat stinks I remember those days on my mission where I was my shirt was soaked before I stepped outside yuk. Anyway, Rigby lake was nice and cool this past weekend. Dave
Best of luck. I offer my condolences for your lack of A/C....that does suck.
So, we just got back from a weekend in "It's a dry heat" Arizona for Hallie's baptism and on the day of it was 117 degrees. When it came time for the Big Dip, it was all I could do not to jump in !
I live in humidity, but 110+ is like walking into a wall of flame ! They say you don't notice it after it hits 110, but they LIE ! ("they" being the AZ Chamber of Commerce !)
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