Monday, November 22, 2010

Is it just me...

or does this one look kinda dumb?

Seriously, I'm usually on board with whatever comic book adaptations come down the line but this one, whether it's just the fact that its Green Lantern (one of the lamer superheroes) or the smirking presence of Ryan Reynolds, looks kinda high on the Stupidometer.


Dan said...

I like Ryan Reynolds and I am a total sucker for super hero movies. I'll like it even if I'm the only person in the whole world who does.

Mark Brown said...

I think it might be the special effects that are bothering me here. Everything including the costume is computer generated and it just looks kind of fakey to me. One thing I appreciate about the Iron Man movies is that it's an actual guy in an actual suit most of the time.

Mark Brown said...

I've decided that Ryan Reynolds, while funny, only has one setting - petulantly sarcastic. Makes for lots of funnies but stops working for me after a while.

Dan said...

While highly unlikely, perhaps this will be his opportunity to show everyone that he can do something more "serious". For instance, no one liked Reign Over Me with Adam Sandler. I loved it, I thought his performance was really good and very believable. The problem is that we have really only ever seen Ryan Reynolds do funny, and maybe, like Sandler he will be stuck there because people are unwilling to enjoy their other work.