Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Tunes

It's finals week here. I have two today, two tomorrow, and then I'm done except for final grading. As far as that's concerned, I'm actually making really good progress. Other semesters might find me agonizing over final papers a bit more but I'm so anxious to have this semester O.V.E.R. that I'm blowing through the stacks on my desk at a good clip. I should have everything figured and submitted by Friday, I think.

Yesterday was Maryn's birthday and she turned 10 years old. It's crazy to me that I'm old enough to have a child that's been around for a decade but it's true. She got a ton of stuff, got to pick her favorite foods for dinner, took fancy reindeer-decorated cupcakes to school, and finished the night off by performing in her school's Christmas music program. (Oh, not to mention the fact that she got her ears pierced last week as part of her pre-birthday celebration.) It was a good day for her and I'm glad. She's a really cool kid and I couldn't ask for a better daughter.

The winter storm I wrote about last time finally passed and left us with several days of bright, shining sunlight blazing off of the wind-worn crust of snow that covered everything. Now it's just bitter cold. I can't complain really because winter held off here until well into December. It could have been so much worse. Plus, December is already half over and once you get past January and February, it's practically spring again anyway.

Still, I don't want to rush the season along just yet. In order to get into the mood, here are a few holiday faves:


Shalee said...

I love that you included some Johnny. Good stuff.

Unknown said...

That's an eclectic selection of favorites. Nice!

Paul and Linda said...

It's just a pleasure to watch the Johnny one as well as to listen to it. I love the "Kincaide-like" quality of it.

My fav JM Christmas song is "Do you hear what I hear?"

Good luck on the tying up of all loose ends at IV as well as around the house !

(my verification word is "syngs" :o) )

Karen said...

Chris and I saw the BNL in concert a few years ago for the holidays.... jealous?