Dr. Leo Marvin: Are you married?
Bob Wiley: I'm divorced.
Dr. Leo Marvin: Would you like to talk about that?
Bob Wiley: There are two types of people in this world: Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't. My ex-wife loves him.
I never really liked the movie What About Bob? but I always thought that line was pretty funny. I find it absurd and kind of hilarious to break the world down into two kinds of people.
I was thinking about it the other night while driving home. Suzy's trusty Chapstick was in the little compartment between the cup holders as it always is, and it occurred to me that I really don't like Chapstick or lip balm of any sort. They feel waxy and gross, and I don't enjoy being covered in that any more than I would like being coated in a thin layer royal frosting. It just feels weird. Suzy, on the other hand, utterly relies on it. She has a Chapstick or Carmex in every room of the house and both cars.
So, it occurred to me that there are two types of people in this world: Those who like Chapstick, and those who don't.
There are also those who like the windows down and those who don't.
Those who believe in dipping their fries in the Frosty at Wendy's and those who don't.
Those who can agree that monster trucks are kind of stupid and those who cannot.
Those who devour the crawdads, head and all, and those who will not.
Those who think updating their Facebook status multiple times a day is awesome and those who do not.
Those who still use the expression "Oh snap!" and those who do not.
Those who wore overalls in the late 80s/early 90s and those who gratefully did not.
Those who eat to live and those who live to eat.
Those whose middle name is Danger and those whose is not. (Is that right?)
Those who can agree that Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth and those who cannot.
Those who do that voodoo so well and those who do not.
Feel free to add your own.
Those who know all the words to "Copacabana" and those who do not.
Those who sing in ward choirs and those who do not.
Those who can spend a whole evening in conversation and those who cannot.
Those who think that women with lots of eye makeup and no lipstick (or WHITE lipstic) look good and those who do not. Also, women who rat their hair up in the back and those who do not.
Those who watch TV and those who do not.
Those who use "spell-check" and those who do not ! (personal gripe)
Those who l.o.v.e. winter and those who do not.
Those who are caught in a hair style time warp and those who are not ! (Thanks, Darlene, for reminding me)
Those who think Taco Bell is a good idea and those who do not.
those who wear Birkenstocks and those who do not.
those who use and abuse the snooze button and those who do not.
those who are huggers and those who are not.
those who have to prepare talks and lessons and those who do not.
Second entries :
Those who jump out of bed and those who don"t.
Those who stand for truth and righteousness and those who don't.
Those who like being in front of other people (teaching, speaking, performing) and those who do not.
Those who mind being licked by a dog and those who do not.
Those who fast dance and those who emphatically do not.
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