Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Would You Like Some Birkenstocks With That Granola?

How much of a wussy folkie am I? I like this:

Recognize it?


Suzy said...

Awesome. But it doesn't make you get out of your seat the way the other version does...if ya know what I mean.

Shalee said...

We shall eat granola and compare birks together whilst we weave our own cotton cloth and twang our banjos. I love this kind of stuff.

Captain Admiral said...

All I can say is, "Obadiah Parker, shame on you."

I find this to be uninspired mediocrity, something the original certainly was not. I was especially bored by the two-fingered pianist.

It was not, however, historically bad (Madonna's "American Pie") or tongue-in-cheek nonsense (the Cardigans "Iron Man") but simply, well, dull.

What is unforgivable is that when he asks the (not rhetorical) question, "What's cooler than being cool?" he never answers with "Ice cold!"

By the way, if you haven't checked out Ray LaMontagne, I'd bet you'd like him.

Dan said...

You are a giant wussy folkie. The song was good but the previous sentence both needed to be said and is entirely true. That'll teach ya to ask questions like that on an open forum. Love, your equally wussy folkie brother.

Paul and Linda said...

I like this kind of music which is why I love the cd you and Suzy sent .... "The Lower Lights".

I also love a name like Obadiah ... did they call him "Obie" down in Mayberry ?