Monday, June 18, 2012

How Cool Are My Kids?

Funny you should ask.

Yesterday, when we sat down to eat our lunch during our annual Father's Day hike around Matthiessen State Park, I opened my lunchbox to find a hand-drawn, first issue of The Souper! In this exciting new creation, I star as a mild-mannered guy who feels strongly about two things: loving soup and hating Ben Lyons, the lame movie critic who pretty much put the nail in the coffin of At the Movies, the tv movie review show.

Apparently, Maryn wanted to marry all my loves - superhero comics, soup, hating Ben Lyons, etc. all in one place so she and Avery labored over this comic for a week, entirely in secret. Neither Suzy nor I had any idea they were working on it. Ave snuck it into my lunchbox when she offered to carry stuff out to the van before we headed to the hike.

Behold it in all its glory:

In case it isn't clear, that's me watching TV while eating a bowl of soup and growing irritated by Ben Lyons. Finally, I lose it, throw my bowl of soup at the television, and then, in a moment of inspiration, decide to do something about the problem. I transform into The Souper! I have goggles, an antennae on my helmet, and a bowl of soup around my waist equipped with rocket blasters.

I take off and crash into Ben Lyons' lair. There I trip him (or stomp on his foot, it's not clear) and he falls down on live TV and looks like an idiot. I return home to watch TV with a satisfied look on my face.

Bizarre and awesome, right?

Well, apparently, that was just Part One of my gift because today after church, they awarded me with the follow up gifts - a partial Souper costume. Behold:

Modified thrift store aviator glasses and my own ball cap with an antennae attached to it.

Truly, it was an epic Father's Day.

This is The Souper, signing off. 


Captain Admiral said...

You should be very, very proud. Congratulations, sir.

Paul and Linda said...

How can that possibly be topped ?

Will Campbell's sponsor the TV version ?

Shalee said...

Epic, indeed.

lateshoes said...

Pretty much the best thing ever.

Dave said...

That's awesome

Karen said...

So great! I especially love the question mark at the end of the comic.... more to come, I hope!

melanie said...

Best. Ever.

I request the creation of an Avengers type series for the whole family. The Souper is that awesome.

Eat soup and prosper. (and watch out for your wicked toe smashing skills)