Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Answer

I was messing with Avery earlier today. She was putting her earrings on in the hallway mirror when I called her into the room. I had on my best "this is serious, you are potentially in huge trouble" face and told her I needed to ask her a question. She looked a little troubled and said, "Okay."

"I want a straight answer out of you about this, do you understand?"

She nodded.

"This is important."

She nodded again, less certain.

"What I want to know is...." dramatic pause "how are you so cool?"

I watched her expression change from slightly scared to "Are you seriously my dad?" and it tickled me endlessly. What was even better was her response. Without missing a beat, she replied, "It's because I wear mustache-shaped earrings." And she left the room. I laughed for a good five minutes.

So there you have it, people. Cool = mustache-shaped earrings. Now we know.


Shauna said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!

Karen said...

You deserve and extra cool daughter. Such an awesome moment!