Thursday, August 15, 2013


Tomorrow we pack the truck. I'm so sick of packing, it's not even funny. I am astounded at the amount of crap we have accumulated. It makes me want to live like a monk. A bed, one plate, one fork, one really well-equipped DVR.

For the record, the rest of the reunion was terrific. There was more eating, joking around, storytelling, and overall good times. One of my favorite moments was listening to SIL Shauna recreate the insurance commercial with the camel and shout, "Hump dayyyyyy!" at the top of her lungs. Made me laugh.

Anyway, we came home Saturday night, went to church on Sunday, and started the last big push on Monday. We've been going full-tilt since then, and I've kind of had it. Packing to move is about the only thing I hate more than painting. It kills my soul. I'm just a husk at this point. Erg.

We've had a lot of help from our ward. A strikeforce squadron of Relief Society ladies came and packed the living heck out of our kitchen and food storage. We've got a Navy nuclear engineer who has appointed himself our logistics officer and plans to direct the packing of every box into the Uhaul. The youth of the ward are coming tomorrow night along with a bunch of the Elders quorum to move stuff, clean, and keep us civil with each other. (Thank heavens for the civilizing influence of other people. Without them, I'm pretty sure all three of our kids might have ended up sold to the gypsies this week, and Suzy and I might not be speaking to each other.)

It's weird to think that 48 hours from now, we will be in Midland to stay. That's hard to wrap my mind around. (Although, we may not be able to say goodbye to Tonica forever. There's a lot of uncertainty as to whether or not all our junk is going to fit in the truck. There may be stuff left over - in which case....what? We're still trying to figure it out.) One way or the other, I'll be at work on Monday morning. That's nuts.

Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Paul and Linda said...

selling your kids to the gypsies ! :o)