This is lifted from Suzanne's blog for the few readers here who don't have access to it:
"First of all, thank you soooo much for your enthusiastic replies to our news. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have so much excitement and support in this new (scary) endeavor. I'm going to need all the help I can get, so thank you, thank you, thank you!! You are the best!!
Now, for some details because many of you have asked and inquiring minds want (no, MUST) know!! I know that when I'm in your shoes, I can't stand the suspense and the whole not knowing any of the scoop, so I will indulge you...why? Because I love you.
1. Was this a "happy mistake" (wink, wink)?
No, this baby was planned. I know that's going to be a lot of people's first question. Especially because there is such a huge gap between this baby and will be 7 years by the time the due date comes around. In the back of my mind (and I think Mark's), I've always wanted more kids. After I had Avery and her birth experience was so traumatic, I wasn't quite sure. I knew it would be awhile. And then we hit some bumps along the road, I went back to work full-time, and then I really wasn't sure. But in the back of my mind the yearning and the desire was always there. I think the moment it started becoming more of a realistic possibility again was after I was laid off from Compuware and I was staying home again. The quietness of my days and the memory of having little ones in the house to care for and chase after came flooding back. I wanted that again, and knew I wasn't "done". Mark and I started discussing it again and decided that once we moved to Tonica, we would wait a few months and see how things went. Well, the Lord had a different plan for us and this baby because we must have gotten pregnant right after we moved here. I'm thinking early January. And here we are!!
2. How far along are you?
I am 14 weeks on Monday. My due date is September 22. The doc pushed it up by 2 weeks because the baby is already measuring big. (Technically should have been due October 2.) It seems for me they measure big in utero, but then are little tiny chickens at birth. He is already planning on delivering me at 36 weeks though.
3. How am I feeling?
Okay for the most part. Being pregnant at 35 is a lot different than being pregnant at 26 and 28 (like I was with the girls). I'm tired...all the time...and it never goes away. I'm in bed every night by 9 and usually asleep not too long after that. As far as the morning sickness goes, it actually comes at night. The first several weeks it would start around 4 or 5 pm, and continue all night. But I never puke. Thank heavens for that. Strong stomach I guess. Sometimes I think the release would be better than the nausea though. In the last several weeks, it has tapered off to just being nausious after dinner. But I feel good in the mornings. I get all of my stuff done in the mornings. (Which is sooooo unlike me normally.)
4. Are you still exercising (running)?
Yes, when I can. The first 3 months have been really good for that. But the past week I've had this nasty cold and haven't been able to do much. I've kept up my routine for the most part. I've tapered off the strength training and focused more on just cardio. It actually helps with the nausea and fatigue. I have had to slow down though. I'm more like jogging now instead of full-out running, and I take longer walks to warm up and cool down. But I'm trying to keep my mileage around 3-5 a few times a week. On the other days I do the elliptical or take a walk around Tonica. My goal is to keep fit this pregnancy. It's important for me to feel in control.
5. How did we tell the girls and what was their reaction?
I looked forward to this so much!! I wanted it to be special and couldn't wait to tell them!! But we decided to wait until after the first dr. appt with ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. We put an ultrasound picture in an envelope for each of them and had a normal FHE on a Monday night. I started by telling them that something very special was going to happen to our family this year and that they could find a clue in their envelopes. Maryn immediately thought we were going to Disney World again (that's how we surprised them last time). Avery got her envelope open first and said, "Mom's gonna have another baby." Maryn was so confused and got her envelope open and was still dumbfounded. I looked at her and said, "yep, Avery's right." They were so excited and jumped up and down and laughed and were really happy. We gave them each 3 carnations. One was a dark shade of pink, a lighter shade of pink, and white. The 3 flowers signify our 3 children...Maryn, Avery, and the white one for the baby because we don't know what it is yet. They can look at their flowers and see how each of them has a place in our family and that they are each beautiful and special. Carnations last a long time and it's been nice to have them around for awhile to remind us of our new little sibling that will be coming. Since that FHE, Maryn has gotten increasingly excited and brings me cards and notes home from school with drawings of babies and baby paraphanalia and name suggestions. Her faves are Bobby (Brady, what?) and "Abagal (sic)" for a girl. I can tell she is going to be my right hand man. She is very nurturing that way. I have seen it come out in her especially since Erin's boys have been born. She really loves that little Cole-ee-pokee and talks about her baby cousin to her friends often. Avery is also excited and likes to tease me about having a baby in my belly. I think she may be feeling a little more competetive though. It's understandable...she's been my baby for 6 years now.
6. Who did we tell first?
We told our girls first, then our parents, then our sibs, then our blogs. People at church still don't know, as well as co-workers and people on the street.
7. Am I showing?
I don't know. I have a pooch anyway, so I "show" all the time, even when I'm not pregnant. So far I've gained between 5 and 8 pounds. It came on fast and I think that means that it's mostly baby weight, but who knows?!? It could have something to do with the fact that I'm addicted to Casey's donuts and Arby's lately. My clothes still go on, but they are definitely getting snugger and the options are becoming limited. When can I switch to elastic???? Please somebody tell me! I am ready to embrace the stretchy pants!!
8. Am I a crazy hormonal emotional lunatic?
Surprisingly no. I have felt pretty in control. I have my moments but they are not too different from my norm. I still freak when stuff gets too messy, or I have to repeat myself a million times. The thing that amuses me is the fact that I full-on cry after watching "Baby Story" on TLC, and watching other random stuff on TV. It actually makes me laugh. Oh wait, crying and then laughing? Maybe I am crazy.
9. What do I need?
Everything! As many of you know we gave away, sold, got rid of all of our baby stuff after the Idaho move. We are starting over from scratch. I am hoping to hit some garage sales this summer and make some trips back to MI to "Baby, Baby" in Northville. I am going to look for some maternity clothes (yeah for stretchy pants) when I go back during Spring Break. But if you know of anyone getting rid of any baby stuff, send them my way.
10. What are my biggest fears?
That's a tough one. I am old(er) now, so that's a bit scary. We're starting over again and it's been awhile. Hopefully it will be like riding a bike though. I'm scared of having a yucky delivery like I did with Ave. But my doc knows the history and has reassured me he will do all he can to not have that happen again. I don't really know anybody around here...who will we call in the middle of the night to come stay with the girls? Who will help me after the baby comes home? Will the RS sisters (who live 30-45 minutes away) bring me dinners? Will I gain too much weight? Will the girls feel ignored and neglected? Will I get post-partum depression again? Will I be the oldest Mom at the baby's Kindergarten graduation? Then again, how old will I be at the baby's high-school graduation? And HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR ALL OF THIS?!?EEK! Lots to be nervous about, but I know it will all work out. I know that we are doing the right thing.
11. What are you most excited for?
A new baby of course!! I have watched nieces and nephews and babies of my friends be born and absolutely wanted to bundle them up and take them home with me. I love newborns, and the first year is my favorite!! I can't wait for the little fingers and toes and tiny newborn diapers and the smell of desitin and baby lotion and giving them baths in the sink and swaddling them tight like mummies and their coo's and squeaks and all of it!! Bring it on!! I know that eventually there will be potty training and climbing on top of the furniture and tantrums and dumping kitchen cupboards and running into the street when I'm not looking, but I think (and hope) that I can handle it. We are ready...we can't wait!!
Did I leave any questions out? If so, let me know in the comments.
Thanks again you guys!!"