So apparently there's a comparative religion course at IVCC. Who knew? The teacher, a guy named Jason, emailed me a week or ten days ago and said that he'd heard I'm Mormon. News travels fast, eh? Anyway, he was wondering if I'd be willing to give an hour-long presentation on the LDS church to his class and anyone else who might want to show up. I said yes and didn't think much about it. We've got spring break coming up and I figured one Friday after that, I'd be happy to say a few things about the Book of Mormon, not drinking alcohol, and good hygiene. Well, the teacher asked if I could do it this coming Friday. I said no because I'm already committed to helping out with another teacher's project, the National Day of Writing. So instead of saying, "Well, we'll just try again after spring break," he said, "How about Wednesday?"
So now I'm scheduled to say my bit this Wednesday at noon. I got a stack of pamphlets and copies of the Book of Mormon from the missionaries on Sunday and I've been rolling ideas around in my head for the last couple of days.
I served a two-year mission, have extensive experience teaching in church, feel extremely comfortable in front of groups of people, and feel like I'll probably be in front of a generous audience - and yet I'm pretty scared. I've been the only Mormon in plenty of places - work, school, etc. But for some reason, this place seems different. It's not just that I'm the only Mormon at work, I'm practically the only LDS guy in the entire valley. Most of my students have never met or come into any kind of proximity with a Mormon before. I suddenly feel a pressure I don't think I've ever experienced.
Plus, I'm worried about some slightly-better-read student or faculty member asking about polygamy, blacks and the Priesthood, or gays and marriage. Some answers I have, some I don't. And some answers I have but I don't really feel like sharing at work with people with whom I have to sit in committee meetings. I guess I shouldn't be worried. It's just that it's strange to combine work and religion, especially in such a public manner.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Some of the audience members may only know Mormonism through "South Park", "Big Love" and "Proposition 8". You'll do great Mark - you're a fine example of what you believe. Chris had never heard of Mormons while growing up in Chicago (look how close you live to Oak Lawn... he's been on the IVCC campus). I will be anxious to hear how you felt about the whole experience.
Just remember not to bible bash, and when in doubt bear your testimony. And I got your back if you want me to be there too.
Sheesh...I wish I could be there to hear it. This just shows me what an isolated life I lead in Mormonville. I haven't ever been the "only mormon" anyhwhere to my knowledge. What an opportunity to share the gospel! I will be interested and anxious to hear how it goes and also praying for you that you will be able to say what needs to be said! Good luck!!!
You'll do great, depend on the Spirit. Talk about an opportunity laid in your lap! Daunting but certainly do-able !! We'll have you in our prayers. Love, Dad and Mom
Best of luck today, my friend. I'll be thinking of/praying for you. I'm sure it will go well.
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