The house in the morning light. I'm about to pull out and head for work.

The misty fields across the street from our place. It's warm today and there's a lot of moisture in the air.


The sign where I turn in.

The front entrance.

English 1001 busily working in pairs, looking at comparison and contrast essays, trying to determine thesis statements.

Members of English 1002 look warily on, wondering what I have up my sleeve for them today. (Thesis statements!)

The sunlit hall leading to my office.

A view of our little courtyard in the center of campus.

The Nerdery a.k.a. my office. Note the bank of action figures above the desk.
Hey. That's fun. Nice to see a bit of your daily life. I like the action figure corral.
You gonna see _Watchmen_?
I remember when we took Shauna to Rexburg and one of our former missionaries dropped by to say "HI", and offered to take us on a tour of Rexburg. And so he did, and then 5 minutes later said "Wanna see it again ?"
Such is your tour ... ;o)
Wow, it really is a nerdery. VHS tape on the desk, Adam Strange on the shelf...
Quentin Tarantino would be proud.
Fun ride to work today! Thanks for the view!
Wow. You live in the country.
Looks like a peaceful place to be in a hectic world. Thanks !!
The empty field picture reminds me of The Promised Land(aka "out there")....just makes you want to take a deep breath and sigh "Ahhhhh....". Thanks for the little tour, since we can't be there to take it in person :)
Love it!!!
That country view is beautiful!
Tell that sister of mine to post more on her blog too. I miss her!
Hey Mark - great photos. Looks like you have a Grinch finger holding your breakfast!!
I'm sorry - Grinch finger?
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