Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paint Sucker

I wrote a few weeks ago about how medical office staffers bring out the angry, bitter, mean guy in me. Over the last couple of days, I've rediscovered another thing that makes me very, very unhappy: painting.

I'm not talking about a nice landscape or a still life with avocados and a vase. I'm talking about trying to cover up our 1960, dark brown, super dated paneling in the dining room. I've slapped three coats of primer on the walls over the last two days and all the paneling has done is slurp it up and say, "Mmmm. Yummy. Got more?" I've used almost an entire gallon on three walls and I'm starting to get angry.

I hate taping, I hate painting, I had mopping up drops of paint from the floor, I hate my house turning into a war zone for three days. Hate it.

I'm taking a break. I watched an episode of Friends (Bruce Willis guest stars as the father of Ross's girlfriend) and now the girls and I are going to get out of the house. The bookstore at the mall sounds good so I think that's where we're heading. The primer-sucking walls will be here when we get back.


Dan said...

Well I'm not suprised, primer is nutritious and delicious.

Shalee said...

There is so much to hate about painting, but it always looks so nice when its done!!

Ang said...

One day a few years back I decided on a whim to paint the half bathroom. Lesson one: do not decide to paint anything, even a half bathroom, on a "whim." Lesson number two: do not, under any circumstances, think you can put a little plastic stool on top of the toilet and stand on it so you can reach that really pesky two square inches in the far corner--the last two square inches in the entire bathroom that need painting. Yes, it's tempting because if you can just stand up real quick and whisk your brush then you'll be DONE! But you know what will happen? The plastic stool will slip (of COURSE it will, dummy!) and you'll come crashing to the ground and send your knee through the wall. Luckily your bones will remain intact, but the wall won't, and when your husband comes home and finds his wife covered in paint and his half bathroom covered in drywall, well Lucy, you'll have some splainin' to do . . .

(But you, meaning Mark, would never do any of that. And you don't have a husband. I guess I just like writing really long anecdotal blog comments.)

Paul and Linda said...

LOL Ang. !

Been near there ! Done near that !

Suzy said...

Thank you for doing it even though you hate it. It looks awesome!

J'Amy Day said...

It's been a week....where are you???

Have the walls slurped you up too? :)