Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

I know I complain about the weather a lot and that it probably seems like I am a big baby. To this I respond, "That's Mister Big Baby to you."

I know it's probably not that interesting to hear me whine about how hot/cold/rainy/etc. it is but you're the one who logs onto this blog so I guess you already know what you're in for.

The problem is this: it's going to be 94 degrees here today with 100% humidity. My readers in the West may ask, "Say Mark, what's that like? We don't have humidity here in the high desert. Can you tell us a little about what it feels like to be in those kinds of conditions."

I respond, "Yes, yes, I can. It feels bad. Really bad."

To be a little more detailed, being outside in this kind of weather (or being inside for that matter seeing as how we don't have central air at our house) feels like I have a washcloth soaked in hot water tied across my mouth and nose and like I am carrying around a sweaty, fat man named Frank on my shoulders. It's oppressive, sticky, energy-sapping, and generally miserable.

I have a getaway. My work is pleasantly air conditioned and I can't tell when it's 70 degrees outside or 700 degrees. Unfortunately, Suzanne and the girls don't have as much of an escape hatch. We've installed two different air conditioners in addition to the one that was there when we bought the house - but they have to work pretty hard to keep up with the heat and humidity once it gets in the house. This would be bad enough if Suzanne weren't pregnant but since she is, things are about a million times more uncomfortable for her. I feel bad and wish there was more we could do. We need to make friends with some of the people in town who have a pool, I guess.

Anyway, other than the heat like a wool blanket, the other news is that school has started. I'm teaching two classes, a 1001 and a 1002, plus working in the writing lab for an hour a day. Summer students are almost always smarter and more invested than the average school year bunch. So usually it's a really nice experience. This term seems to be very much the same. Good kids who want to learn. That's one small solace I can take from the daily humidity bath.


Dan said...

I remember those days. I don't miss the feeling of being suffocated by hot, wet air. I feel for you, I really do.

Paul and Linda said...

I absolutely l.o.v.e your description of humidity ! If it were not so true, it would be sad, but since it is on the money, it is really sad !

(And those stinking stories about "how hot it was for the pioneers" are no help ! My discomfort is all that really matters !)

(And none of the "dry heat" crap, either ! 100 is 100, hot or dry ! I am DONE with summer as of June 25 !)

melanie said...

Well, 115 does feel like it might burn your retinas out of their sockets, but it pales to carrying Frank and drowning your own air. Sorry.

You guys have a big yard, I think you need a large costco-sized waterslide.