But I think there are certain things that everyone can agree upon, things that draw us together as a nation - things like the pursuit of happiness, things like Truth, Justice, and the fact that Jon and Kate Gosselin need to get the heck off of TV.

Seriously, the ongoing saga of the ever-disintegrating relationship between these two people and the eight other lives bound up together with them has left even the realm of the lurid and just become pathetic, petty, and sad.
The most recent development, detailed here, is just another stop on the downward train to Therapyville for the Plus Eight. These two people just need to get out of the public eye, stop profiting off their children, and focus on being decent human beings.
I guess people are dividing into "Team Kate" or "Team Jon" but I can't get behind either of them. I've hated Kate Gosselin almost from the first moment I saw her. I couldn't believe how rude, dismissive, and bossy she was when it came to her husband. I wouldn't treat a dog the way she treated him and I often found myself cursing her under my breath, unable to believe the seeming utter lack of basic respect and kindness for her spouse.

Jon was never interesting. He's just kind of a lump of a human being, not terribly smart, not talented, certainly not very dynamic. He's the sort of guy that never would have come to anyone's attention except for the freakish turn of events resulting in his wife having so many kids. So I find it kind of lame that suddenly there's talk of him starting a clothing line, that the news makes a point of mentioning that he buys $900 shoes, that our celebrity-crazed-media-driven culture has somehow made him famous for basically leaving his family.
It's clear that Jon and Kate are going to ride out their show until it turns to dust and bones beneath them. They are not going to say, "You know what, even though this money is nice, the publicity has irreparably damaged my marriage, the fame is making it hard for me to have a normal emotional life, and I worry about my kids' well being amid all this chaos - I think we should call it quits."
It's equally clear that TLC isn't going to pull the plug on its golden goose either. It is a business, after all, and businesses are built to make money. It's possible the producers and execs worry about the kids on the show but you can bet none of them are going say, "I know this is our highest rated show and that we're blowing other cable networks out of the water with it, but we should just do the right thing and put a stop to this train wreck."
The only thing I can do is not watch. That's pretty much the only way I can register my disapproval. Maybe if enough people get turned off by a witch, a tool, and eight innocent kids in the process of getting royally messed up, the show will get canceled and the Gosselins can spend more time thinking about being decent and less time worrying about what tabloid cover they're featured on that week.
I totally agree... I don't even watch the show but to put their family destruction on TV for profit is outrageous
I think putting this on tv in the first palce is a big contributing factor in the breakup
Wow...so much I could say, but first off- I love Rascal Flatts and you and I get along just fine :)
I also agree with your thoughts on the Gosselin trainwreck. I have an affinity to trainwrecks, but even this one was too much for me and I had to quit cold turkey. Its just too sad and too messed up.
I'm with Shalee ... I just walked away. I refuse in any way to support such selfishnness. Give the twins custody !
Now, let's take on the Duggars ....
I honestly don't know how anyone can watch at this point. It's just sooo sad.
Not for the parents, really - I mean, I saw that coming for all the reasons you mentioned.
But, those poor kids. It breaks my heart to see them try to navigate the mess their parents have left them in.
I think Child Protective Services should be on 24-hour TLC watch.
I mean, don't even get me started on the parents featured on "Toddlers & Tiaras."
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