Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What My "Most Played" Say About Me

Yep, another iPod post.

The other function of iPods and iTunes is the counter. It keeps track of how many times to listen a song all the way through and then, on iTunes, organizes your songs into your "25 Most Played." This is fascinating because I think the things we consider our favorite of anything aren't always the things we consume the most. For instance, I may say that Double Indemnity is one of my favorite movies of all time but the truth is, I've only seen it a couple of times. When I'm recommending great movies, I don't often bring up Bob and Doug McKenzie's Strange Brew but, then again, I've seen that one probably close to fifty times. Music-wise, when somebody asks me who my favorites are, I usually say U2, REM, and the Indigo Girls. But is that who I actually listen to the most?

We may say we love one thing but where do we really spend our time? The iPod counter reveals all. Frankly, I'm a little obsessive about it. Sometimes when I hear a song on the radio that I have stored on my player, I feel a small pang of disappointment that I'm hearing the song but not getting credit for it. Sometimes I listen to a song all the way through twice just because I know that extra spin will move it up the list by a notch. Messed up? Sure, but you don't read this blog for examples of good mental health, do you?

Anyway, here are my top ten most played and what they say about me:

1. "Panama" by Van Halen
I am filled with awesome, 80's rockitude. I love air guitar. I secretly wish I had David Lee Roth's hair from 1980.

2. "Tell Me 'Bout It" by Joss Stone
Deep down, I am a white boy who likes to shake his butt.

3 "Let My Love Open The Door" by Sondre Lerche
I'm a soft, wussy, little, sensitive-ponytail-man folkie.

4. "Man Sized Wreath" by REM
I have an angry little rocker inside me.

5. "All These Things That I've Done" by the Killers
I love the poetry of the line, "I've got soul / but I'm not a soldier."

6. "Believe Me, Baby, I Lied" by Trisha Yearwood
I didn't come away from my time at the country radio station with nothing of worth. I came away with exactly one song that I like.

7. "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce
See #2

8. "Tighten Up The Springs" by Michelle Malone
I don't know if this song says anything about me in particular but I do know this song is completely awesome.

9. "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5
When no one's around, I pretend I'm Jermaine and I dance to this song.

10. "Stronger" by Kanye West
Sometimes when I'm mowing the lawn, nothing sounds better to me than a little synth-rap.

So, those of you with iPods, what is your #1 most played song?


Captain Admiral said...

I'll give you my top three:

1. Neko Case - Knock Loud (live)
No matter how many times I listen to this song, I'm always bummed out when it's over.

2. Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye
Playful guitar, longing/angsty lyrics, and for some reason it reminds me of summer.

3. Public Enemy - Fight the Power
Because we all need a song about stickin' it to the Man. Also, it reminds me of a time before Flava Flav became a total moron. If it was possible to have a voice modulator like the Mission Impossible movies, I'd pay any amount to sound like Chuck D.

Shalee said...

I don't have an iPod so I am disqualified from the question at hand, but I do have to say the imagery of you rocking out to Joss Stone, Beyonce and pretend Jermaine dancing made me laugh a LOT! Too funny!!

Jeremy said...

OK, about your list, MB....your MOST PLAYED list: I'll withhold comment, except to say 1)At least R.E.M. is represented somewhere and 2)Sondre Lerche, from the land of an inordinate number of outstanding musicians relative to population. All right! That is all.

I have an ipod, but use it seldomly, so I will instead divulge the top 10 most played songs on my itunes, work laptop edition. Go!

1- Satanic Messiah- The Mounatain Goats (I know, you snicker at the ease of this)

2- Tickle Me Pink- Johnny Flynn

3- New Drags (Live @ opbmusic)- Point Juncture, WA

4- People Got a Lotta Nerve- Neko Case

5- Sleepytime In the Western World- Blitzen Trapper

6- Gone With the Wind- Julie London (An all-timer, I could listen a billion times)

7- Two Silver Trees- Calexico

8- All You Need is Me- Morrissey

9- Thank You Mario, But Our Princess is in Another Castle- The Mountain Goats and Kaki King

10- So It Goes- Nick Lowe

Of course, it goes without saying that any of these not already in your life will vastly improve your life should you check them out. And you should.