I turned in my final grades for Fall semester on December 16th. Tomorrow, January 13th, I return to work. I've been on vacation for just under a month.
Community college teachers are sort of on the low end of academic prestige and money in the world. As teachers, I think CC instructors are largely seen as the B-list farm team of academia (which is unfortunate - but that's another post). Financially, we don't make tons of money. Notice you've never seen an English teacher on MTV Cribs nor do any of my colleagues drive Jaguars to work.
However, I've got to say -- I've got a pretty sweet gig going on here. Putting the general coolness of my co-workers and the fact that I like my students an awful lot aside, there's the time off. I had a whole month off for Christmas break. A month. I get a week off in the spring, all the regular legal holidays, and, even if I teach summer school, another near-month off between Spring and Summer semesters. If I don't teach summer, I get THREE months. Can you believe that? Frankly, it's kind of awesome.
I work hard. There's a lot of reading, a lot of grading, a lot of dealing with students who aren't always prepared, but who cares? It's a sweet gig and the fact that I get paid to do something I enjoy and am good at is a hot cup of fresh-brewed awesome. Here's to work.
Three months. That's rough.
Parker misses you already...she cried all day today to prove it. I miss you too...help. me!
But seriously, I am glad that you are happy at work...it's good for all of us.
I should mention that I will probably never take a summer off. Not only is the additional money nice, but Suzanne would never want me in the house for that long. After a certain point, she feels about me the way I feel about the girls at the end of Christmas vacation.
ROFL at Maryn's comment about helping in the kitchen...I totally agree!!
Hola Mark !
Can you take your espanol class at IVCC ? Free tuition ? Just wonderin' ...
Double Rofl on the Maryn comment !
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