A week or two ago, the only thing on television (or so it seemed) was 1987's Baby Boom with Diane Keaton and Sam Shepard. I remember when it came out but had never seen the whole thing. I still haven't, but I watched more of it with Suzanne that night than ever before. I was struck first by how startlingly dated it was. The clothes, the issues at stake, the behavior. Diane Keaton's shoulder pads alone scream 1987 like nothing else. The set and lighting design, the hairstyles, everything. It's such a relic of its time, it's more entertaining to watch for it's 80s quirks than for the story or acting. When Sam Shepard and Keaton are arguing as she tries to change her flat tire, he responds to her finger-pointing insults by pinning her against the car and kissing her into submission. 21st century man that I am, I thought, "Jeeze, there's a sexual assault suit waiting to happen."
The other thing that hit me was, "Wow, I really can't stand watching Diane Keaton act." I can't. Not in anything she's made in the last twenty five years. The only thing she was in that doesn't make me feel like I'm having a root canal is The Godfather trilogy. Admittedly, I've never seen Annie Hall, but, from what I've seen, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to stand it either. (I am one of the few film people in the world who isn't enchanted with Woody Allen, not even his early stuff. He bugs me - not as much as Diane Keaton but still.) Keaton is just excruciating. Her acting makes me think of a fidgety noodle in cartoonish clothes that's hooked up to a car battery and is periodically receiving shocks. There's nothing authentic or entertaining in her performances for me. It's just a collection of annoying physical and verbal tics that's supposed to add up to a character but only equals caricature.

My reaction to her reminds me of my dad's reaction to the actor Elliot Gould. Most recently, he was Ross and Monica Gellar's dad in Friends. (Actually, most recently, he was a brilliant scientist in the germophobe creepout Contagion.) Anyway, Dad couldn't stand him. Every time he came on the screen in a movie or on TV, Dad would look over at me and say, "I hate that guy. Can't hardly stand to even look at him." Random, right? It makes me laugh now to think that of all the actors and actresses in the world, Dad had a personal beef with Elliot Gould. It's funny even to type.
So, here's my brain teaser for you - it's a two-parter:
#1 - Name one movie that, for you, utterly represents the 1980s. What, to your mind, is the most 80s movie ever made?
#2 - Name one actor you just can't freakin' stand to watch. Who is it that makes you want to change the channel as soon as they walk on the screen?
Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

Mostly I love the John Holmes stuff, and my favorite is Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
(quick side note: I was once told I danced like Anthony Michael Hall does in Sixteen Candles. I nodded grimly as I realized that this was not a compliment)
Actress I Can't Stand, and I use the term 'actress' loosely, is Madonna. My teeth grit and my bowels loosen whenever she appears in anything. Honorable mentions have to go to Diane Keaton (she makes my TV smell) Tara Reid and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Actor I Can't Stand has to be Annakin Skywalker. Yep, both that wretched urchin who played him as a child and Hayden Christensen who came on board as an adult. My eyes water as I type this. Honorable mentions: Pauly Shore, M. Night Shamamammlllaaanammnn, and Ashton Kutcher.
Thank you and good night.
Hughes. John HUGHES. That's what I meant.
Gee, Mark ! Watta question !
First, the pix that most represented the 80's ? Adding to that the criteria that it was worth watching again ... hmm. I agree w/the Admiral on John Hughes and almost everything he made starring his infamous cadre of almost actors and actresses. Among which only Rob Lowe seems to have survived.
My favorite 80's movie ... Toss-up between Princess Bride and When Harry met Sally. Raiders of the Lost Ark almost making the cut.
Actor/Actress of personal annoyance besides Keaton in that I wonder how she/he got to star in a second film ?
Hands down on the actor (although he is of TV fame and not movies) is David Spade. Reminds me of a rat.
On the actress : from the eighties is Molly Ringwold, and from current times I reject Julia Roberts. There's a reason she is never nominated !
Personal Favorites ... Meryl Streep and Matt Damon, probably, not because he is such a gr-r-reat actor, but more because he is dependable.
Diane Keaton was sooo much worse in First Wives Club. SO BAD.
Most 80's movie (and best 80's movie) has to be Better Off Dead. The clothes, the dialogue, the music- it's so tragically awesome.
As far as bad actors/actresses, it's hit and miss for me. I think Tom Cruise is kind of awful, and Sarah Jessica Parker is not that great either. Don't even get me started on Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzengger. And, pretty much any low budget awful movie on Syfy gets my vote for the worst acting EVER.
Since I was in high school and college in the early 80's movies bring back a flood of memories: Loved Footloose - went with the explosively handsome Marc Reuckert; Saw Racing with the Moon with some guy who leaned over and whispered to me "what does 'missing your period mean'". Wow. And my all time fav "Happy Birthday to Me" - it marked me for life - not in such a good way!
Hate Will Farrell.
Breakfast Club! I remember Suz & I trying awfully darn hard to do our eye makeup like Molly Ringwald. Mom must have loved it!! LOL!
I loathe Katherine Heigl. And the "pay the lady" girl from Storage Wars. I'm like your dad with her... physically say out loud "I can't stand her face".
You know my affection for Uncle Buck and Overboard...don't laugh!! But I would also say the John Hughes movies mark my teenage years pretty perfectly.
As far as actors I can't stand Guy Pierce who is just an unnatural person to look at.
Jim Carrey
Well, first I'm completely offended by your dismissal of Baby Boom.
J.C. Wyatt is the Tiger Lady.... 4-eva.
Most 80s-y movie? It's a Kim Catrall toss up...Big Trouble in Little China or Mannequin.
Actress that makes me want to flay my flesh? - RENE RUSSO. (((shiver))) Even typing her name sends chills of rage down my spine. Honorable mention goes to: Cameron Diaz, Blake Lively and Jada Pinkett Smith
Actor that makes me want to blow up the world? - Ashton Kutcher!
Honorable mention: Dane Cook
For an 80's movie, it would have to be Teen Wolf or anything with Michael J. Fox in it. Love him!! We watched this with my kids and we had to skip about half the movie...very suggestive and lots of swearing, which I didn't remember from my teeny-bopper years.
Actors I can't stand...Russell Brand. He's just annoying.
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