Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweet Moves

Is there a better thing in the world than a warm, sunny Friday afternoon? I think not. The feeling of having a couple of free days stretching out in front of you combined with some bright sunlight and a warm breeze is about as close to secular heaven as I get.

Other things that make me happy are:

The fact that the movie John Carter is only a few weeks away from theaters. The film is based on a series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan. The premise is that a Civil War veteran named John Carter is somehow transported to the planet Mars where a war between different Martian races is going on. Because of the lower gravity, Carter is stronger, faster, and generally more awesome than everyone else. He sorts the Martians' problems out in a two-fisted sort of way.

The Black Keys song, "Lonely Boy." It's loud, fuzzed-out, and rocks harder than any song by a two-person band ought to. If you don't believe me, check out the sweet moves:

Speaking of sweet moves, this makes me happiest of all:


Shalee said...

It isn't just anybody who can rock out while eating string cheese and be awesome.

Paul and Linda said...

String cheese ? I thought it was a banana !

Do you think Edgar Rice Burroughs envisioned this kind of creature for John Carter to slay ?

Mark Brown said...

Yes, all the guy in the video needed to really put it over the top was a pair of sunglasses and a string cheese. That's cool man.

Mark Brown said...

(That was Suzy posting, not Mark) :)

Unknown said...

John Carter! One week from tomorrow. I am SO there.

Wanna come see it with me in a crappy Roper theater?