Friday, June 27, 2008

The Deal

So here's the deal: my mom's cancer is in her breast, under her arm, under her clavicle bones, and in the lymph nodes on either side of her neck. It is not, however, in her liver or anywhere else (not in the lungs, pancreas, etc.) So the bad news is that this confirms her as a member of the suckiest club on earth - stage 4 cancer sufferers. The good news is that is could have been worse. Had it been in her liver or elsewhere, it would be a whole other thing.

So she starts chemo on Monday and will have it once a week for anywhere from 3-5 hours each time. She'll have to take some pretty mondo steroids to prep her body for the chemical onslaught it's about to undergo and she will probably lose her hair. So maybe instead of Telly Savalas, maybe she'll be looking more like a bald Jose Conseco. (Mom's always been a baseball fan but I think taking steroids is perhaps taking it to an extreme.)

Anyway, the point is that now we know where we're at and we can proceed from here. For those of you who are interested, we'll be holding a fast for her this Sunday. If you're the fasting sort and feel so inclined, please join us as we fast for her comfort, health, and strength.

1 comment:

brownbunchmama said...

I always had a secret crush on Jose Canseco but I never really wanted to look like him... oh well. Steroids usually help the MS so even if I'm bald I should at least be walking better!! :-)