However, I'm a fan of J.J. Abrams and, as I have pointed out here before, I'm really fascinated with remakes/reimaginings/reboots - especially of big-time pop icons. So, even though I don't speak Klingon and don't have any interest in attending a convention of any sort, this cast photo from the new Star Trek reboot, directed by Abrams, does fill me with a small measure of gleeful anticipation:

(l to r - Checkov, Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, Sulu, Uhura.)
And just for good measure, here's one of Spock laying the Vulcan smackdown on Kirk:

The ears ! The ears ! Cannot be w/o the ears for this wanna-be to "fly" !
Have you watched JJ Abrams' "Fringe" yet? Forrest and I decided to give it a try because 1. JJ Abrams and 2. we are nostalgic for The X Files. When we were first married, X Files was our Sunday night tradition (not the best Sabbath activity, okay, okay--but it was The X Files, you know?).
Fringe isn't bad, but there's a pretty high cheese level. Apparently even JJ Abrams can not capture the innocent willing-suspension-of-disbeliefness that characterized my early to mid twenties. I haven't kicked it out of my TiVo lineup yet, though.
Oh, Mark. If I had known you didn't care for Next Generation, this friendship of ours just might not have gotten off the ground. Oh, Mark, Mark, Mark.
Hey, btw, I was looking at my bookshelf the other day for a book and rediscovered Oliver Sacks's Uncle Tungsten which has an exceedingly cool cover. One guess who did that cool cover...
Chip Kidd.
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