Yep, that's right, tonight, after many endless months of waiting, the Lost season premiere arrives. It's been a long time in the desert but now we're headed back to Freak Island with Jack, Kate, Sayid, Jeremy Bentham, and all the rest.
I. Can't. Wait.
I've asked around in an attempt to be social and tried to find out if any of my colleagues are Lost fans. I thought we'd have them over, eat some snacks, discuss theories of time travel, and questions of Jack vs. Sawyer, Kate vs. Juliet. (Juliet - duh!) But none of my English dept. acquaintances are into it. Most of them scratched their heads and said they always meant to get into the show but just never did. One colleague watches it but only on DVD and she hasn't seen season 4 yet.
So tonight it will be just Suzanne and I hunkered down in front of the blue, digital glow of the television, thrilling to every bizarre turn of events and mysterious reappearance of forgotten characters. It's gonna be sweet. Oh yeah.

"What? The season is starting again? Dang, and just when I was having such success as a competitive beard-grower!"
Forrest and I will join your party in spirit.
Can't wait! (Well, actually I can, because it's Tivo-ing as I type. Forrest is picking child #1 up from snowboarding lessons, and can't get started without him.)
We will breathlessly await your analysis.
What'd ya think?
I was pleasantly mesmorized.
I loved the theory of the island time-skipping. Made all the other past storylines about having to go back make total sense. I never could figure out why...
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