It's been a busy couple of weeks. We spent most of last week in Beulah, Michigan on the shores of the appropriately named Crystal Lake. Suzanne's family reunion was held there and, except for Shauna's two sons, everyone was able to come. The kids loved digging in the sand, hunting for snipes, riding around in Uncle Jeff's boat, and rehearsing skits to perform for the family. The rest of us loved sitting around, telling stories, eating food prepared by the other Uncle Jeff, watching the kids play, competing at ladder ball, and just generally enjoying one another's company. The thing I am always struck by when I spend time with Suzanne's family is how much I like them. I always like them, of course, but when I actually get to interact with them face to face, I end up liking them that much more - which is pretty nice. Most people don't get that when it comes to in-laws.

It was particularly fun to meet a few family members for the first time - the smiley Tate Norman and the Goddess of Awesome, Maia Norman. It was also a great pleasure to see the lovely and charming Aunt Vicky again. It had been too long.
So now we're back and my summer classes are on the downhill slide. Summer term ends on August 11 and Fall semester starts on August 17. Sigh. Busy, busy, busy. I find myself actually looking forward to this semester though because #1. it won't be as monumentally busy as Spring semester was, #2. I get to teach an Art of Film class, and #3. after sweating like a warthog trapped in a tin shed all summer long, the idea of cool fall days sounds like the greatest thing ever.
It's been a while since I've given an update on my mom. Frankly, I wish the news were better. Mom's struggling with some depression and loneliness. My brothers, their wives and children and my dad do a lot and spend time with her every day (they are heroic), but when you spend 23 hours of the day in bed, it's hard to feel connected with the world, I think. Plus, her speech and cognitive abilities seem to be suffering right now. In addition to basic forgetfulness, she's having a tough time (at times) making sense when she speaks. I had a rough conversation with her last night during which there were a couple of moments when I honestly didn't know how to respond because I didn't understand what she was talking about. I don't know what all this means. My dad says her most recent brain scan came back clear and she's still getting her regular maintenance chemo - but she won't eat much and her energy and balance are as questionable as ever. I don't know what any of this adds up to. I hope I'm just being unnecessarily alarmist.
Anyway, the days roll along. Maryn and Avery have had a good summer full of softball games, art camp, cousins, play dates, swimming, and fun. Suzanne and I have both been able to visit family and friends as well as get away here and there together. Despite the fact that it feels like it's raining heat outside, summer can't last forever. It will be over before we know it.