Saturday, July 17, 2010

Will To Live

It's 90 degrees outside right now with 70% humidity.
I should be grading papers.
Or reading books for my dissertation.
Or switching out the laundry.
Or dusting.
Or playing with my kids.
Or cleaning the bathroom.
Or something else useful and productive.

But I'm not. I'm sitting here right in the blast of the AC, barely moving. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to do a thing. I'd kind of like to take a nap. My will for positive, forward movement has been sapped for today and I feel like not doing a freaking thing. Maybe things will change once the sun is lower in the sky. Maybe I just need to eat an early dinner. Maybe some of the cookie dough in the fridge would help. I don't know. All I know is that my ten fingers moving across this keyboard is about all the physical activity I can muster at this moment. I'll let you know if this changes today. Don't hold your breath though.


Shalee said...

snow cones help. it's been hot here too, not humid (which I know adds a hellish new dimension to hot) but we have enjoyed lots of shaved ice goodness :) I recommend it !

melanie said...

I thought I remembered humidity until the reunion! You need gills, brotha.

That said, we came home to 110 degrees and melted windshield wiper blades at the long-term airport parking. I have such a love-hate relationship with Arizona.