Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Cool Is This?

As an Idahoan and a recovering poet, I loved today's Writer's Almanac poem:

In Praise of the Potato

Potato, sojourner north, first sprung
from the flanks of volcanoes, plainspoken kin

to bright chili and deadly nightshade,
sleek eggplant and hairy tobacco,

we could live on you alone if we had to,
and scorched-earth marauders never bothered you much.

I love you because your body's a stem,
your eyes sprout, and you're not in the Bible,

and if we did not eat your strength,
you'd drive it up, into a flower.

David Williams

I mean, really, there simply aren't enough poems about root vegetables these days. Long live the potato.


Paul and Linda said...

Very motivational (if one "carrots" at all about root poetry !) ! I agree that the potato can't be "beet", but I am willing to take a try "on-yun" !

My verification word is "comic" ... too funny !

Karen said...

Mark - you need to write your own ode to the potato. I think you could do a better job than this Mr. William did about this celestial food.

Darlene said...