That date came and went but no concert. Why, you ask - because Bono, singer, lyricist, activist, and cool-guy-extraordinaire is what we experts call an "aging rock star." He hurt his back during rehearsal and canceled a ton of concerts while he recovered. I don't fault him. I hope his diminutive Irish back recovers soon and that he's able to go on helping third world countries get their debt forgiven, raising funds for AIDS research, and generally rocking out.

But when I received the following e-mail this morning, I took a moment to think a little the worse of Bono and U2 and back injuries and fate and everything else that seems to stand in my way when it comes to checking this little item of my Bucket List:
"Attention ticket holder!
We just learned that your event has now been rescheduled:
Soldier Field
Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 New date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 7PM!"
Yup. I'll still get to see them --- in a YEAR!
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. The world does not hate you. The world does not hate you.
Wow, I hope he hasn't keeled over by then.
nah. he won't be dead. maybe a broken hip next time. bono seems to cool to break a hip though.
LOVE that picture of the young punks I fell in love with.
I have to admit to a small sense of smug relief when the concert got cancelled because we couldn't afford tickets this year. Evil, shallow of me. I know.
That's cold, Darlene. Cold.
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