Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lazy Sunday

We drove to Streator last night for its annual fireworks display. It was a really good show and surprisingly easy to get into and out of. We went with friends from church and just had a really lovely evening. We met for desserts and talk at 6:30 and then headed out for the show around eight thirty.

Parker was very patient through the whole thing and watched most of the show. Here and there she was more interested in the people around us than in the sparking showers in the sky. But for a ten month old, to sit through most of a loud, bright fireworks show without so much as a real squawk is pretty good.

Needless to say, church came awful early this morning. The bed felt awful good. Nevertheless, we got up and attended anyway.

As I write this, Suzanne is napping and the rest of us (including Parker who is trying to help me type) are watching The Other Side of Heaven. It's warm outside and this is an excellent day to stay near the A/C and do next to nothing.

1 comment:

Shalee said...

sounds like a good day and a good game plan. hope it was a restful, festive Sabbath 4th :)