Anyway, at the end of the acting camp, her teacher announced to his students that IVCC would produce a musical this fall and that there were roles for kids so they should think about auditioning. Maryn took that to heart and asked me if I'd heard anything about auditions - like every day. Finally, they came. Last week, to be exact. Avery, not wanting to be left out of the dramatic action, wanted to go too.
So I took them both on Wednesday afternoon and watched them as they played theater games with a few kids their own age but mostly college kids (several of which were my former or current students). They played the games, sang "God Bless America," had their pictures taken, and learned some dance steps. Avery seemed to have more dance acumen while Maryn's singing audition was really quite strong.
We left and the girls immediately began asking, "So Dad, did we get in?" Wednesday of this week, finally, thankfully, the director put up the cast list and, lo and behold, my two daughters are both on it. I came home and told them and watched them freak out a little with excitement. They're really looking forward to it and I'm really proud of them for going out on a limb and trying something new.
Now, why is this post titled "Want to Hear Something Funny," you may ask. Well, the thing is, the musical is based on the life of Cesar Chavez, the immigrants-rights labor leader, and Maryn and Avery have been cast as his daughters. So my blonde, blue-eyed, pasty, Aryan-looking daughters will be portraying some of these people:

Frankly, I find that hilarious.
I'm sure makeup and temporary hair dye will go a long way but I just think it's funny that two girls with Welsh and Swedish heritage will be portraying Hispanics.
Anyway, the first read-through is next week and then we'll find out about their rehearsal schedule. The play goes on in late October so if anyone is interested in coming to see this opus, consider yourselves invited.
In other news, my story "The Iron Door" received an Honorable Mention in this year's Irreantum fiction contest. This is the same journal that published my story "Cause" a couple of years ago. This year, there were 91 entries so to end up in the top four or five is pretty nice. Hopefully, "The Iron Door" will be published sometime next year and you know I'll let you know all about it when/if it turns up.

On a down note, Suzanne has thrown out her back and is now barely able to move. I've taken the day off so she can have time to recover without having to lift Parker or clean or anything like that. I have Monday off already thanks to Labor Day so it's shaping up to be a very extended weekend. It's supposed to be sunny and around 70 degrees until sometime next week so I'm as happy as a clam. No work, beautiful weather, a recognized story, and two little Hispanic daughters - life is pretty good.

This IS hilarious ! Marynita and Averyia starring in "Let the Eagle Fly" ... why in the world is this the musical choice when The Sound of Music or Brigadoon or even The Music Man could have been picked ... all with wonderful kid's parts. Kid's parts for blonde haired, blue-eyed girls ? Is it because the Corn Pickers of Tonica are trying to unite ?
I can't wait to hear all about life on the stage from Marynita & Averyia!!!
Just when you think you know what the word ironic means . . .
Kudos to the girls with talent!!
Sorry to Suz!!
Can I read Irrenatum stuff online?
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