"Your breath stinks, Leo."
"You shouldn't have ordered onions on my sandwich then, Kate."
I was thinking about it this morning when I was making breakfast for the girls. I knew Suzanne was awake in the bedroom but I didn't bother making her anything. Why? Because, after ten and a half years of marriage, I know she doesn't like to eat breakfast right when she wakes up and I know she especially doesn't like the idea of breakfast in bed. (Crumbs, don't you know.)
I started thinking about all the little preferences of her that I know about.
Suzanne prefers to be called Suzy. (Except by me. I call her Suzanne.)
Suzanne prefers to drink water that is only tap cold. She doesn't like really cold water.
Suzanne will eat some cooked onions but can't stand the taste, texture, and smell of raw onions.
Suzanne doesn't like perfume or cologne.
Suzanne loves labeled, organized plastic bins.
Suzanne prefers wheat bread to white.
Suzanne prefers that her sandwiches be cut in half lengthwise.
Suzanne prefers silver jewelry to gold.
Suzanne doesn't like dangly earrings.
Suzanne can't stand clutter.
Suzanne doesn't like other people's feet. (Including mine.)
Suzanne doesn't like talking on the phone.
Suzanne loves salty snacks.
Suzanne wants to be left alone when she cooks.
Suzanne loves smelly lotion and candles.
Those are just a few things. So now I challenge my readers to post a comment about one small preference of your spouse, significant other, family member, etc. What do you know about them that no one else knows?
P.S. As I was searching for the image above, I came across this and it made me laugh:

Keri prefers a lime to a lemon in her Diet Coke.
Keri prefers chocolate to caramel.
Keri likes her little girl to wear cute things.
Keri indulges her husband's penchant for electronical gadgets.
Paul really doesn't like Chinese food, but eats it with me because I love it.
Paul prefers football to basketball; basketball to basebal; baseball to hockey; hockey to ...
In this order : Cougar Blue, Utah Red, Maize and Blue, and whoever is playing !
Forrest will never get tired of eating at Chipotle.
Forrest is in charge of the radio stations in the car.
Forrest doesn't like paying anybody to cut his hair.
Forrest loves Tina Fey.
Forrest prefers mayonnaise to miracle whip.
Forrest doesn't like getting back rubs.
Forrest likes to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Forrest raises his hand during Sunday School if nobody's talking because he can't stand the uncomfortable silence.
Forrest doesn't like putting fruit in the fridge.
Forrest prefers screens off the windows, even if the occasional bug flies in.
Dan prefers two pillows to one.
Dan prefers to not have his sheets tucked tight.
Dan prefers country girls to city girls :)
Dan is magnetized to Sci-fi, Discovery, and History channels as soon as I leave the room.
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