Is that so wrong?
I'm just sort of curious as to whether or not I could do it. I've never consciously tried to lose weight. For most of my life, I haven't needed to. But I've been hovering in the 230s for the last couple of years and it's just sort of bugging me. I'd rather be in the low 220s rather than the mid-to-high 230s, you know?
So, could I do it without really trying that much? I wonder if I ate bigger breakfasts, more reasonable dinners, didn't periodically pig out on half cartons of ice cream or 10 Oreos at a time, and got my heart rate up once a day, could I lose ten pounds?
Hmm. It's something to think about. The only real obstacles in my path are my utter lack of self-discipline where food is concerned and a long history of being able to eat what, when, and however much I want. Still, if I'm not utterly depriving myself but rather just not utterly indulging myself, should it be that hard? Maybe that's a stupid question.
I'm not going to post pictures of myself with no shirt on or anything like that so don't worry. I'm not going to go all Mrs. Furious on you and foist my pasty whiteness on the unsuspecting Internet masses. But I will tell you that I weighed myself this morning first thing and I was 235 lbs.
The only thing I'm not sure of is some kind of time frame. People with personal trainers and nothing to do but get their flabby butts kicked all day by Gillian Michaels on The Biggest Loser can drop ten pounds in seven days. I have a life and no trainer and no one to break my wrist if I reach for the pan of brownies so I think I should give myself more time. Don't know how much.
I will mention my progress (or lack thereof) once week, just to keep myself honest. But believe me, this ain't gonna be no gettin'-skinny blog. I've got more important things to talk about. Like comics. And movies. And silly things my daughters say. And earwigs. Lots more important.
P.S. The Body Mass Index thingee is a bunch of crap. According to it, I'd have to be 185 pounds to be considered "normal." As it is, I fall into the "obese" category, narrowly missing out on the less offensive but still not great "overweight" category. 185 pounds? That's less than I weighed when I got married - and I looked like a bunch of rags caught on a broomstick when I got married.
Hey Mark! (this Karen's long lost college student - Ayana)
I have great suggestion for your dilema. Come to Pullman, WA (hills like no one's business) for a semester, deprive yourself of all personal automotive transportation (except public buses), eat dorm food - seeing that everyday makes you want to eat less of anything and stay up until two everyday getting your work done... did the trick for me. Perhaps your method is a little more feasable.
Join the crowd Mark! I hear ya on the pasty whiteness thing and the "used to be able to eat anything, anytime, anywhere". I just don't think I want to give up the idea of eating 10 oreos in one sitting.... Good Luck to you and thank you for your disrection on the posts you COULD make during this challenge.
Hey! I just posted about my diet on my blog, too. I'm not kidding that the alter-egoness weirds me out sometimes.
I'm a lot grumpier about it than you are, though, and you'll probably loose like 10 pounds in a week and a half and then I'll have to curse your name under my breath.
And speaking of BMI ridiculousness, I just today read an article about how dumb it is on Slate. You should check it out and feel vindicated.
Anyway, here's to blog-induced weight-loss accountability! Good to know I'm not alone.
Going on a banana diet might take care of it for you. What do you think?
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