Here in the land of humidity and heat, things are different. In the last two weeks, I've had to pay someone with serious chemicals to come and kill the earwigs in the house and the Japanese beetles in the trees. The earwigs were everywhere - especially downstairs and it was horrible. It reminded me of my time in Mississippi and Louisiana when I would turn on the lights and roaches would scatter. Earwigs aren't as bad as roaches, of course, but they're still pretty hideous. I was happy when, after the spraying, they started to turn up dead.

The Japanese beetles started to eat the heck out of the birch tree in the front and a bush in the back. The problem, I've figured out, is that our neighbors' trees are all completely swamped in the buggers. I can have my landscape sprayed but if there are armies of the beetles next door, there isn't a lot I can do. Sigh.

The leaves on my tree and bush look like this:

According to the amazing knowledge machine that is the Internet, there are some pretty easy home remedies to help curb the little beasts so we'll see if I can save our foliage. The season for beetles is June and July so hopefully they'll abate in a couple of weeks one way or the other.
Are the Japanese beatles the ones that look similar to a lady-bug ? If so, we had them really bad for a couple of years here in MI. Could not kill the little pests and they completely took over the north wall of the house. The Littles and the Bo-Sanks used to sing : "Lady-bug, lady-bug, fly away home" as they smacked the bricks w/their tennis shoes ! :o)
I'd rather be waterboarded than see pictures of earwigs. Bleh.
The only pest problem I have where I live is my sensitive, shirtless neighbor guy who sits on his porch playing his guitar (poorly) while his dog poops on my lawn.
Do earwigs and japanese beetles freak you out as much as a california beetle? lol
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