Saturday, March 26, 2011

Film Quiz Saturday

I've been on the road for the last six days and haven't had much Internet access. Consequently, it is now 12:12 a.m. on Saturday morning as I post this. I prefer the alliteration of Film Quiz Friday but, alas, we do what we can do.

This week's quote is coming right at you, Linda!

"I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?"


Paul and Linda said...

I know it ! I know it !

But I don't want to spoil the fun of others, so let me say only that the utterer is Matt Damon in his alter-ego part (sigh !) as he searches for his "identity" in this "ultimate" trilogy of action movies.

Karen said...

Finally, one I know too! I didn't even need Linda's "subtle" hints!

Shalee said...

LOL! The "Body Surfing" movie! (that was with you guys, right?)

Mark Brown said...

Somebody needs to just come out and say it. Who is going to step up to claim their glorious prize?

Paul and Linda said...

OK ! OK !

I will give the "identity" ... it is Jason Bourne in the first of my favorite series.

Mark Brown said...

Ding! Linda is the winner! Please let me know what you would like for your fabulous prize.

Paul and Linda said...

I have always wanted to go back (virtually-speaking) to my Little Grass Shack in Kealakeou Hawaii and be with all the kanis and wahinis that I knew long ago.

Unknown said...

I should read your blog more regularly. This one I knew.