Here we have the delayed but, I think, well-worth-waiting-for fabulous prize for the Admiral. He guessed the film correctly as
Apocalypse Now and requested something to do with Fred Sanford as Captain Ben Willard. This is funny because Martin Sheen, who played Willard, famously had a heart attack on the set and Fred Sanford was constantly faking heart attacks to get out of slippery situations ("I'm coming, Elizabeth!"). This should give you some sense of Captain Admiral's range of pop culture knowledge and the edge of depravity that lines his sense of humor. Enjoy, Captain!

(If you've seen the film, you'll recognize this is the famous scene where Willard rises from the water, camouflaged in mud, on his way to assassinate Kurtz, played by Marlon Brando.)
Brilliant. Love it, love it, love it.
P.S. Who you calling 'depraved'? Me? Oh. Right you are. Carry on.
Totally great! Extra funny with those tidbits of info. I hope the Captain wins all the time now.
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