The morning started a little rough, however. Personally, I think younger kids need to learn about the fine art of sleeping in. For me, it's not really sleeping in unless you pass 10 a.m. 10:30 is ideal because then you get the pure luxury of sleeping far longer than necessary but you still have most of your day to work with. (Even as a super-indulgent college student, I hated it when I slept until noon. The day was just shot by then.)
However, as I say, my daughters haven't got these finer nuances down just yet. At 9:30 Avery was sitting on top of me, sort of bouncing up and down, saying, "Get up, Dad! Get up and turn on cartoons!" I'm the one peeling her blankets off of her at 6:30 every morning on school days so I guess turnabout is fair play. When it's her turn to get up, she acts like every blanket that gets removed is one more needle shoved directly into her heart. So my guess is she's got some built up hostility and saw a chance to pounce. I tried to get her to back off but a four year old with a will of iron will not be deterred. I dragged my sorry carcass out of bed and we sat down to rot our brains with tv and our teeth with a cannister of cinnamon rolls.
The sign came last night that Maryn was feeling much better. She'd just gotten out of the shower and was supposed to be putting clothes on. Instead, she whipped around, hands up kung-fu style, and started coming toward me. I asked, "What are you, the naked ninja?" She thought that was really funny and she started to karate chop me. I tried to give her a light boot to the bare behind but she darted out of the way, circled me, and swatted me on the butt. You would have thought she had just won the lottery or something. She squealed with happiness and went to tell Avery that her new name is now Naked Ninja. Hopefully, we can get her past this phase before she starts high school.

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