Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Teaching tool/sleep aid

This is the aforementioned Hulk hand. It was given to me by my boss when I mentioned that I like comic books. It's a big glove, essentially, and when you punch things with it, it makes crashing, crunching, smashing sounds and ends with "Hulk smash!" or Hulky growling. Students like to play with it sometimes and I, ironically enough, have used it to wake students up from time to time.


lateshoes said...

Hulk Hand is definitely much more pleasant than having Jim Haebes toss a chalkboard eraser at your head.

In fact, thinking of that makes Hulk Hand seem positively polite.

Mark Brown said...

It's sad when being smashed by a foam rubber hand is the more polite thing to do. Ol' Jim Haeberle -- his antics at Madison High School will not soon be forgotten. (I was never locked out of his classroom nor did I ever have chalk, an eraser, or a podium thrown at me. I was one of his favorites, clearly.)