Four Places I’d Love to Visit:
1. Mackinac Island, MI. Specifically the Grand Hotel. (Mostly so I can stand on the back porch area and envision Jane Seymour running towards me screetching, "REEE-chard! REEE-chard!" Name that movie, folks.)
2. The Czech Republic, specifically Prague. Suzanne and I visited my mission several years ago and, as cool as that was, Piggly Wiggly's and riverboat casinos don't really compete with one of Europe's most beautiful cities. I think it would be fun to go there with her and eat deep fried cheese slathered with tartar sauce. We'd also have to visit the bone church and drink the magic water at Karlovy Vary

3. The Field Museum in Chicago. Partly because it's an awesome museum, partly because it's housed in the only structure left standing from the 1893 World Exposition. (Read Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City and you'll know why that's so cool.)
4. Fallingwater. Because Frank Lloyd Wright rocks and it's only a day's drive away.
Four Things I Covet:
1. Tony's luck.
2. Tom Trusky's artist's book collection.
3. Scott Samuelson's letterpress.
4. People with physical coordination.
4 Goals I Have:
1. To finish my PhD in 5 years or less (total).
2. To take Suzanne and the girls to Disneyland.
3. To write more fiction.
4. To see U2 in concert before they die or break up.
4 Fads I Wish Would Pass:
1. SUVs
2. Singing Bee- style TV shows.
3. Saggy pants.
4. George W. Bush.
4 Delights:
1. The bottom of a DQ ice cream cone.
2. Snuggling with my daughters.
3. Hot soup and warm bread on a rainy day.
4. Making Suzanne laugh.
4 Regrets:
There really isn't any way I could limit it to four. The small stuff I don't really regret. The big stuff I'm not posting on a blog for the universe to read.
4 Things I Wish I Could Do More Often:
1. Go out to see movies at the theater.
2. Take days off from work.
3. Travel.
4. Visit Idaho.
4 Things That I Never Would Have Imagined Would Happen to Me:
1. Be diagnosed with cancer.
2. Work with an almost exclusively black student population.
3. Live in Michigan.
4. ????
4 People I Tag:
1. Suzanne.
2. Tony.
3. Tracy.
4. Mom.
5. Clark. (So I can't count -- so what? I'm an English major.)
It's "Somewhere in Time," of course.
Name checking "Somewhere in Time"...specifically - "Reee-charrd" made my entire day.
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