Here, the streets get bleached by salt but the look of a newly-bare road with that dull shine from the sun is still gorgeous to me. As we walked along, my internal optimist got the better of me and I said, "Wouldn't it be great if this was it? If it just got warmer and warmer from here and then it was just spring? If we didn't have any more snow this year?"
Suzanne, ever wise, said, "Yeah, but you know that's not gonna happen. Every time you think winter is done, you usually have at least two or three more storms to go."
Now, here it is, three in the afternoon of the next day and here's what we've got on for the next 24 hours:

I'm not the kind of guy that gets angry when his wife is right all the time but if there was ever something I wanted her to be wrong about, this would be it.
I may be right, but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
May I refer you to Mark Twain on this one : "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it " ! What does Mark Twain know ... he never lived in MI., did he ? At least it covers up the ugly grey slush mts. !
By April you'll be crazy.
Surviving Michigan winters is something to be proud of. Wear your badge with pride, man!
(said from the sunny and 77 degree utopia of AZ...)
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